This is the absolute BEST site if you’re trying to learn how to skateboard beginners look no further!
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I’m pretty sure that if you’re reading this, you or somebody you know wants to learn how to skateboard for beginners and I’m sure you fit into one of these 3 options.
1. You’re thinking about learning how to skateboard because you’ve seen other people skateboarding at school, on tv, or just around town and it looks like a blast. Which it is. You’re looking around for tips and tricks to help you learn how to skateboard, and probably found a bunch of useless videos.
2. You have just picked up skateboarding, you’re riding around a bit, getting the feel for it, maybe doing a small ollie here and there and having a hard time learning skateboarding tricks. For beginners this can be one of the most frustrating parts of the whole skateboarding sport. Just wish you knew how to shove it right now.
3. You’ve been skating for a while now but really want to up your ante. You have a couple flip tricks down, maybe you’re getting some air, doing some tricks, but you’re out looking for ways you can increase your skateboarding skills so you can land your tricks 9 out of 10 times instead of 1 out of 10. You want to get a little bit fancier with your tricks but aren’t sure where to learn it, or how to do it the right way. You want to land all your tricks like the pros and really show off around town.
I have been in all three of these options, which is why I created this page! I built a website to help you get on your board and have some SERIOUS FUN. I will let you in on a couple SECRETS OF SKATEBOARDING that you must get down pat before you can really start skating and having some real fun. You’ll go from being in one of these 3 categories, to taking complete control of your board in no time.
The bottom line is you have to learn EXACTLY how to tell your board what to do. You want your board to flip and land on its wheels with you on top and still riding, but until you learn how to build that exact relationship with your skateboard, you will not land your skateboarding tricks 90% of the time like a pro. THIS IS A SCIENCE. Learning this science will put you at the top of your game.
To Learn the SECRETS of how to skateboard beginners Click here
If you’re looking for underground skateboarding secrets the pros use to land their tricks every time, this is the place.
I’m sure you’ve come across all kinds of useless skateboard tips, and skateboarding how to videos. Which I’m sure is why you ended up here. The truth is, all those videos and information you find on the internet are created by average joes. They’re not PROS telling you exactly how to 360 flip, or how to boardslide. The truth is in the way you learn. Learning how to skateboard for beginners is the best time to learn the right way!
Don’t you wish there was a perfect step-by-step guide to learn how to skateboard? A certain method you could use to devise, and execute any skateboard tricks you want? Well I’m syked to tell you, THERE IS! With videos too! WOW. One of the many amazing things this guide uncovers a highly unknown technique to land your skateboard trick almost every… single… time.
This ex-beginner, now pro really just hands out all the little skateboard tips you need to have an absolute blast skateboarding. No more frustration, no more bumps and bruises, no more throwing your skateboard at the ground in frustration. Impress everyone and show off everywhere once you learn skateboard this way.